Start » Street Car+Patente » 1927 Patent US 1643606 A, SPARK PLUG CLEANER von M. Itjen

Spark-plug cleaner US 1643606 A                                                                                                                         Sept. 27, 1927. M. ITJEN SPARK PLUG CLEANER

Filed Jan. 29, 1927 Inwenmr

[Ya/fizz 117m, By WJ L y U a Patented Sept. 27, 1927.






Application filed January 29, 1927. Serial No. 164,635.


The present invention relates to a tool for cleaning spark plugs and aims to provide a structure which will enable one to loosen the carbon deposits and oil from the sparkplug between the shell and the porcelain there of and embodies a structure so that the same may be connected to a source of air so that when the carbon deposits and the like are loosened they will be blown out of the plug.

Another very important object of the invention lies in the provision of a tool of this nature which is exceedingly simple in its construction, thoroughly eflicient and rcliable in its use, inexpensive to manufacture, easy to handle, and otherwi e well adapted to the purpose for which it is designed.

With the above and numerous other objects in View, as will appear as the description proceeds, the invention resides in certain novel details of construction, as will be hereinafter more fully described and claimed.

In the drawing:

Figure 1 is a side elevation of the tool embodying the features of my invention,

Fig. 2 is a similar view taken at right angles to that shown in Fig. 1,

Fig. 3 is an end elevation thereof.

Fig. 4 is a sectional view on line 4-4 of Fig. 1.


Referring to the drawing in detail it will be seen that the tool comprises an elongated body 5 having a portion 6 there of substantially rectangular in formation merging atone end into an externally threaded tubularportion 7 which may be engaged with a hose or the like leading from a source of air such as a tire pump or the like. The other end of the portions 6 merges into a tapered portion 8 of semi-conical formation. The body 5 and the tubular portion 7 are provided with a bore extending longitudinally thereof, said bore tapering towards the point of the body and terminating in an opening 10, the bore being indicated by the numeral 9. This point 10 is dis osed on the fiat side of the pointed end of the body.

With this tool connected with a source of air as described it will be seen that the pointed end may be inserted in the spark plug between the shell and the porcelain there of and that the sharp edges 11 may be used to scrape the carbon deposits and oil from the. interior of the spark plug and when they have become loosened the air passing through the bore up through the opening 10 will blow them from the interior of the plug. Thus the plug may be thoroughly cleansed in an eflicient manner and quickly. The tool is simple in its construction and may be manufactured at a low cost and is constructed, in the present example, for use particulr rly with a tire pump such as is furnished with practically all automobiles.

It is thought that the construction, utility, and advantages of this tool will now be quite apparent to those skilled in this art without a more detailed description thereof. The present embodiment of the invention has been disclosed in detail merely by way of example since in actual practice it attains the features of advantage enumerated as desirable in the statement of the invention and the above description. It will be apparfrom the spirit or scope of the invention as hereinafter claimed or sacrificing any of its advantages.

Having thus described my invention, what.- I claim as new is':-

l. A tool of the class described compris ing an elongated body the major portion oi which is semi-conical in formation, said body having a bore extending longitudinally thereof, means at the larger end of the body 6 l for connecting the bore with a source of air, said bore terminating in an openin at the fiat side of the other pointed end of t e body.

'2. A toolof the class described comprising an elongated body one end of which is substantially rectangular in formation and merges into a tubular extension, the remaining portion of the body being of a semi conical formation, said body and extension having a bore extended therethrough, said body having an opening at the fiat side of 1ghe pointed end communicating with the ore.

Intestimony whereof I affix my signature.




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